County governments, Multnomah and Lane, representing more than a million Oregonians, 26% of Oregon's population, have officially declared that they support a Single Payer solution to Oregon's and America's moral and economic health care crisis. However, their resolutions are meaningless without action.

Governing involves choice and choice engenders dissent. Multnomah and Lane counties have chosen to speak for one million Oregonians in support of a health care system in Oregon and America that would give EQUAL ACCESS to Oregon/American elected officials - public employees - veterans - voters and taxpayers to the SAME LEVEL of health care NOT a perpetuation of our current multitiered health insurance CLASS system. Their resolutions are a challenge to the failed, status quo health insurance plans currently supported by the Oregon legislature and the American congress. Their resolutions are a challenge to the despised, failed, for-profit, private health insurance industry.

NOW It's Time For County Governments, Multnomah and Lane, To Act

Nancy Pelosi has agreed to allow HR 676 (Single Payer) to be offered as an amendment to HR 3200 for a full house debate and vote. It will be a momentous occasion. The first time any member of congress has been allowed/forced to vote on a single payer solution. The event demands action from those of us, including Multnomah and Lane county governments, who support a single payer solution to Oregon's and America's moral and economic health care crisis

Oregon Single Payer Sick Out Day - 12 to 2 PM

Please join me as single payer citizen activist or single payer state senator (dependent upon the serious commitment to Single Payer by the Democratic Party of Multnomah county and the Multnomah county commission) in late September or early October in demonstrations at congressional offices throughout Oregon. The date will be determined by the scheduled vote in the U.S. House of Representatives on Single Payer HR 676. Demonstrations will be most effective a week or so before the vote. There will be very little notice from the Speaker's office, a week or less, announcing the date of the debate and vote. The best way to be alerted is to sign up here: and click on The Weekly Leader check box. Thanks to representative Peter DeFazio's office for this information. Several staffers from representative Earl Blumenauer's office were actually hostile in their refusal to provide any help. Blumenauer has long been opposed to Single Payer so his staff's arrogance is not totally unexpected.

I will alert Oregon Health Watchers as soon as I receive any notice to set a date for an Oregon wide demonstration. Prepare yourself for short notice. Bring a lunch, bring a friend, bring a sign. Every Oregonian that supports a Single Payer health care solution, especially those members of the groups listed below, is invited to take to the streets and take control of the health care debate.

Which Brings Us Back To Multnomah/Lane County Governments

Multnomah/Lane County Commissioners have a very short window of opportunity to alert and persuade their one million constituents to join them in demonstrations on Oregon Single Payer Sick Out Day. We expect to see Ted Wheeler, Jeff Cogen, Deborah Kafoury, Diane McKeel, Judy Shiprack, Bill Dwyer, Bill Fleenor, Bobby Green, Peter Sorenson and Faye Stewart issuing press releases, calling press conferences and sending out constituent letters/emails announcing their calls for citizen participation on Oregon Single Payer Sick Out Day.


The following groups support a Single Payer Solution to America's/Oregon's moral and economic health care crisis. They are expected to announce to their members and constituents along with Oregon Health Watchers the date of Single Payer Sick Out Day.

AFSCME District Council 75 -

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757 -

American Federation of Government Employees Local 2157 -

American Federation of Teachers Local 5017 -

Democratic Party of Lane County -

Freedom Socialist Party -

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees -

Lane County Commission

Multnomah County Commission -

Newly Enlightened Oregon Legislators - Michael Dembrow,

Newly Enlightened Members of Oregon's Congressional Delegation ???????

Oregon Academy of Family Physicians -

Oregon Education Association -

Oregon Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals -

Oregon Nurses Association - 

Oregon Teamsters Local 206 -

Pacific Green Party of Oregon

Painters Local 10 -

State Council of Machinists (IAM) -

Celebrate This Labor Day Holiday As Single Payer Labor Day

Richard Ellmyer